Current Teaching
Winter 2025:
Courses taught at UC San Diego
Graduate Courses
- CSE 291: Introduction to Computing Education Research
Undergaduate Courses
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- CSE 3: Beauty and Joy of Computing
- CSE 8A: Introduction to Programming and Computational Problem-Solving I
- CSE 8B: Introduction to Programming and Computational Problem-Solving II
- CSE 11: Introduction to Programming and Computational Problem-Solving: Accelerated Pace
- CSE 15L: Software Tools and Techniques Lab
- CSE 29: Systems Programming and Software Tools
- CSE 30: Introduction to Computer Systems
- CSE 190: Working with Large Code Bases
- CSE 190: Introduction to Computing Education Research
Education Studies (EDS)
- EDS 124BR: Teaching Computational Thinking for Everyone
Data Science (DSC)
- DSC 207R: Python for Data Science
Courses taught at UW-Madison
Undergraduate Courses
- CS 301: Intro to Data Programming in Python
- CS 302: Intro to Programming in Java
- CS 354: Intro to Computer Systems
- CS 368: Learning Modern C++
- CS 402: Introducing Computer Science to K-12 Students
- CS 537: Intro to Operating Systems