Faculty in CSE @ UC San Diego
Best Paper Award: For our research paper titled Live-coding vs Static Code Examples: Which is better with respect to Student Learning and Cognitive Load? in Australasian Computing Education (ACE) Conference. February 2020.
Capstone Ph.D. Teaching Award: University-wide teaching award in recognition of outstanding achievement as a graduate student instructor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. March 2019.
Best CS Graduate Student Instructor Award: Department-wide teaching award for excellence in teaching as a graduate student instructor in Computer Sciences at University of Wisconsin-Madison. May 2018.
UW-CS Thank You Award: UW-Madison Computer Sciences Department’s Thank You Award for Efforts in Increasing Diversity in Computer Sciences. May 2018.
UW-CS Thank You Award: UW-Madison Computer Sciences Department’s Thank You Award for Creating Pathways for Women to Major in Computer Sciences. May 2017.
Cisco’s CAP Award: Cisco’s Achievement Program (CAP) award for outstanding contributions to Diameter Credit Control Protocol (DCCA). January 2012.
Cisco’s Star Award: Cisco’s Star performer award for developing a successful technical on-boarding program for new hires. April 2011.
CEG Alumni Association Endowment Award College of Engineering Guindy (CEG) Alumni Association’s Endowment Award for outstanding performance during the first two years of undergraduation in Information Technology. February 2008.